So the Midterms, ey. That’s coming real quick. Better catch up on those issues… ah, but where do I start?
Well lucky for you, I don’t really know either, but I have compiled a list of useful resources. I’ll try to provide links and given you easy-to-digest information about each source.
Twin Cities-specific guides on who you can vote for
Here is an article from the Twin Cities’ very own, CityPages. In this post they summarize the candidates from Governor to Attorney General to U.S. Senate etc. They also have guides for congressional toss-ups, as well as, guides to Hennepin and Ramsey county.
WCCO also has A GREAT guide here.
A diverse curaton of stories by Pocket
If you want a diverse assortment of sources, Pocket has curated some stories about the election on a national level.
The Skimm has you covered
The Skimm (which you should subscribe to) does a great job of summarizes the top stories from each day and packaging them into one email. Its important to get informed now and continue to be informed in the future. For the 2018 Midterms, they have created a page displaying some of the issues people care about this season such as climate change, healthcare and #metoo.
Also wondering what’s going to be on your ballot? The Skimm has got your back — again. What don’t they do? Click here to see your ballot cheat sheet.
Follow bills in real time!
Want to weigh in on a specific bill in real time? Daily Clout’s Bill Cam shows you bills scummy politicians have put on the floor. You can put pressure (or support) them via sharing the bill on social media. Keep them in check, hmph.
I am by no means a political blog. I just wanted to finally get these links in a list. Hope this helps!