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Your New #WCW, Naomi Watanabe

Life isn’t easy for plus-size girls, but Naomi Watanabe is pushing Japan in the right direction. You have probably never heard of Naomi Watanabe which is fair enough since she is a Japanese actress, comedian and Beyonce-impersonator. But you should really keep an eye on her because she is making waves. Just like in the US, plus-size girls are finally getting the recognition they deserve in Japan. Beauty standards only praise girls with slim bodies, but thanks to Naomi Watanabe and the pocchari trend, that is slowly changing. Naomi first gained popularity after hilariously lip-syncing “Dream Girls” and “Crazy in Love” (video below) but after that the only way was up for the comedian. Since her Beyonce stint she has graced the cover of La Farfa, Japan’s first plus-size fashion magazine, launched Punyus, her clothing line and much more. Just take a look at the slayage:

Naomi looking super kawaii on La Farfa’s May cover.
She hasn’t been called the Japanese Beyonce for nothing.

BRB just gonna buy everything off of Punyus’ catalogue.
Did I mention she’s super funny?

Clearly Miss Watanabe is a force to be reckoned with. For more fierce and funny posts follow Naomi on Instagram or Snapchat (username: naomiwatanabe55)!